There are claims that Rod Serling had been so enthused by the Quiet Please programs, that it inspired his formulation of

What can be confirmed however, is that in 1960, Rod Serling had explicitly attempted to contact Cooper to purchase rights to the Quiet Please script entitled "One For the Book" (episode 74), because it was virtually identical to his own upcoming tv episode titled "The Last Flight" and he did not want to risk script infringement... but Serling was unable to make contact, he did not realize that sadly, Cooper had died five years earlier. So onward into production it went, becoming a Twilight Zone episode without further consideration for Cooper. (source)
Here is Quiet Please Episode #74,
Original Air Date: Sunday, November 21, 1948.
5:00 PM on the ABC Radio Network
USAF XF131.. Whats a XF131?Max Westlake, USAF, talks about the days when he was a sergeant, with dreams of piloting a super speed jet.. or a "sky rocket" as his sarcastic friend called it.. Starts off with a jet pilot introductory narration with patriotic music playing in the background, then you're in a bar listening to two pilots discussing the possibility of flying faster than sound.. Ultimately a pilot does end up flying faster than sound, faster than light even..
What happens is One for the books...
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Audio Quality: Mild crackling throughout. Has occasional thumps, worst at at the 20 minute mark for 40 seconds, Otherwise excellent.
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